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Retirement Bermuda Triangle


Feb. 11, 2015.  Welcome to this week's newsletter. Your comments and feedback continue to be so valuable - keep it coming. Today's featured "Bermuda Triangle" article wouldn't have happened without Member input, thanks!
This is one of the larger active adult communities in the world. It is actually a collection of developments and communities located in extreme southern Arizona. There are 13 different recreational complexes with golf, fitness centers, etc. More than 80% is age restricted.
IfAustralia or New Zealand are on your Bucket List, you should check out this article. Fresh from your editor's recent trip down under, we've shared the pros and cons plus a ton of travel advice for those considering this popular destination.
For those folks who aspire to living in a golf cart community where everyone is just steps from the beach and real estate is relatively inexpensive - Colonial Beach might be the one.  It's near Virginia's Northern Neck, just south of the Potomac and above Richmond.
Looking at Member feedback over time, it's easy to see the issues that concern you. Obviously money is a very important one. But 3 others loom very large: water shortages, sinkholes, and humidity. Here in thisarticle we explore those issues using the science mixed in with observations from our members.
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